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Call us for your Gifts and Flowers 979-836-3566 | DELIVERYAVAILABLE ON MOTHER'S DAY
Call us for your Gifts and Flowers 979-836-3566


Brenham Floral makes homecoming mums, boutonnieres, bouquets, and corsages for all ages. Whether you're showing team spirit as a parent, grandparent, sibling, relative, cheerleader, student, or friend, Brenham Floral has homecoming flowers that fit your style.

What’s a Normal Homecoming Mum Size?

The answer is really personal preference however most florists today start out with what they call a standard homecoming mum.  The single is usually the most basic consisting of a single mum flower made of silk measuring between 4 and 7  inches wide.

Sizes continue on from the Single Homecoming Mum to the Double Homecoming Mum and then Triple and on to Mega Mum respectively. Some like to keep in tradition and say the sizes go as follows:

Elementary – Middle School – Mini or Elementary Homecoming Mum

Jr. High School - Freshman - Sophomore – Standard Homecoming Mum

Junior – Deluxe or Premium Homecoming Mum

Senior – Mega Homecoming Mum

Other’s say, get the size you like, and the size you can handle. If you’re 4’9 it will be harder to handle a mega mum that is 4 feet tall for example. We say, will it make you happy? Then you should order that size or work with one of our floral designers for the mum that fits you best. 

We keep on hand a variety of charms and ribbons. Custom mums MUST be ordered at least two weeks prior to your school's local homecoming. 

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